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Why Do We Cram So Gosh Darn Much Into One Week?

Rewind to a month ago. That picture is how a good weekend ends up. GALA time! OUR CATHOLIC SCHOOL KNOWS HOW TO PARTY! Once a year we get together for our own cause, and yes we partied like it was 1989, sorry, Prince. 80's theme. Way fun. Catholic parents shouldn't be allowed this much fun! Yes, we should. More please?

So let's see, back to trying to cram too much into one week. It took me so long to get to this, yes, it was already next MONTH. Maybe I was cramming so much I just pushed writing aside yet again.

I wish I knew why we all did this. The week I started was Administrative Professional's Day (yep kind of missed that), Take Your Kids to Work Day (does anyone do that anymore?) , National Preztel and Prime Rib Day (Oh double yum, how did that one pass me by?), National Super Hero Day, National Kids and Pets Day (we combine them because...???)

You get the picture, right? Oh wait, you had something going on in your own life that you had to recognize and participate in too? Birthday? Anniversary? Appointment? Date? Activity? Kids' activities? School project? Work? Volunteer? Sleep? One of my favorite songs about sleep, or a lack thereof, ever, skip to about a minute in...

Does life feel like that at all for you some times?

For the past few month Stephi and I have battled: the stomach bug rampaging through the house, a trip to the hospital for me, fixes to both vehicles, numerous fixes to our house and property, THREE, count 'em THREE date nights sans children for the first time in 8 months, and all the while life has been weighted down by an underlying, major, daunting, life changing decision.

Can I find a happy place please? Can I slow down? I'm moving too fast. That makes me think of a song... But seriously, slow down? How? Aren't we all supposed to move fast?

We've been seriously praying for God's answer in our lives regarding a major work/life balance change for the better, which finally arrived this week for our family. Stephi can keep her job, changing status from full-time to part-time! Mother's Day came and went. I give this momma oodles of credit of believing in herself, her worth, her skills and talents. She has really become a living breathing example of how to achieve family success and career success. She may have just reached a sainthood level of prayer in April.

I also want to thank her firm and the people there who were willing to make this happen. I'm not just saying that in case one of them reads this. The gratefulness I have is genuine. Allowing this option for this upcoming year means the world to me, to us, to our family. Stephi and I always have believed you give your all and excel in whatever is in front of you, and that's how we approach our work life. One might think that philosophy is like Jesus saying, "Give to Caesar what is Caesar's..." We believe it is more like, "To much whom has been given, much is expected." The sacrifices we may have to make in becoming used to this change are small.

In closing, on this Memorial Day we have been given much in freedom. Much has been sacrificed by many before us. Much is expected of us.

Let us not forget or be quick to give these freedoms away. Let us never undervalue the gifts of God and the fallen.

That's my Memorial Day prayer.

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