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#kimdavis - The Difference Between Fanatical and Resolute. And baby#4 is Here! - 7QTF

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#KimDavis. Oh good grief. Why? Why? Why would you choose to go to jail? What cause are you helping by exercising free will and going to jail?

Don't misunderstand me. I am 100% in support of a person who stands up for their Christian beliefs. Arleen Spenceley wishes in her great article, as do I, that Mrs. Davis would have just resigned. Make your statement. Make your stand. Don't go down in history looking like a religious nut-job. I don't care what religion she would have been, Jewish, Muslim, Christian, Catholic, Buddhist, or Hindu... It helps no one's perception of religion, that your religion would make someone so crazy they would freely choose to jail themselves.

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OK, so you may disagree with me. Didn't the early Christian martyrs die for the cause? Hung on crosses, persecuted? Didn't Jesus... ? Yeah, I know. Hear me out. There is a difference between being fanatical and being resolute. Resolve in your faith convictions - Acts 20:24 "Yet I consider life of no importance to me, if only I may finish my course and the ministry that I received from the Lord Jesus, to bear witness to the gospel of God’s grace." Choosing jail, in my humble opinion seems to me that Ms. Davis is considering her life of importance, leaving the discussion open and upended. Will she or won't she change her mind and be able to leave jail? The matter is not closed. Had she resigned, she finishes the course, ministers, makes her resolute stand and becomes a witness to Jesus. Looking like a religious fanatic serves no purpose, in my opinion.

Jesus died, because it was the Father's will. There was a greater purpose in the salvation of souls. Not the case here. Just more media fodder for the other fanatics...

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What will win people over to realizing that being Christian or Catholic is not some crazy, mind-bending, fanatical way of life is by living by our belief system (check out the Pope's Twitter feed - if you don't already) but having a sense of humor. Think Jim Gaffigan. There is a perfect example of what my mom and dad, and pretty much my family told me. "Be in the world, but not of the world." What a joy it is to see a family actually going to MASS, yes MASS on a late night sitcom! What a joy it is to see a priest being funny on a secular network! Comedians galore are lining up for cameos on this show. Their best friend on the show is a gay man, played by Michael Ian Black. While I'm still not sure if on the show he has a house, or just lives with the Gaffigans; Jim and Jeannie Gaffigan, I commend you for being resolute in your beliefs, but showing the world being Christian, being Catholic is cool.

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WELCOME SIR SQUEAKS! Born last Friday, he has pretty much been eating and pooping non-stop. 9lbs. 2oz. #3 out of 4 in birthweight at the Martin house. Large noggin (oh yeah we prayed for brains). Color = very rosy red (we prayed for a good heart too, in more ways than one.) We also prayed every day during pregnancy that he'd be a good sleeper. Worked for the other 3, working for him so far.

He also makes these non-stop squeaking nosises that none of his brothers did. Yes, he's breathing. No, he's not choking, gagging, etc. lol He just sounds like an old swingset going back and forth, squeak, squeak, squeak. lol

And that is all he has to say about that.

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Football season is upon us. College starts up again this week, and that means for the Martin clan - time to watch the Notre Dame & Alabama. Sadly, my undergraduate alma mater, love it as I may did not have a football team. Then it's all about the Buffalo Bills and Fantasy Football. Oh the joys of Saturday and Sunday football is upon us guys and gals. (Please give me a moment here for a self-induced reverie...)



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And I'm good. So Boo and Squish are back at Catholic School. Our new principal is awesome! 2015-16 is shaping up to be a pretty awesome year. Boo, in Kindergarten now, is doing a great job reading when he has the patience, (wonder who he's taking after...) He likes math, and is really improving his drawing and penmanship! Boo, came home today, perfectly recited the creation story. Then Stephi said he refuted that God rested on the 7th day. "God never rests! He made the humans..." That was too funny, in more than one way, and took the cake for me. That is, until JMan chimed in with, "No Boo, God didn't rest, He just didn't do nuttin on the 7th day." AS IF!

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T-Minus 19 days until Pope Francis comes to America! Really wishing I could go to Philadelphia. I love Pope Francis. Today he went glasses shopping. Yesterday and the day before he makes waves by granting absolution power to all priests to forgive the sin of abortion during the Year of Mercy. He tells a bullied Chicago teenager to be courageous.

Notice, I'm linking to public media sites. Not Catholic sites. This Pope gets the power of leading by example. By being resolute with the truth. People notice. The Vatican should probably advertise for a few more jobs though. Wanted: Mainstream Media Papal Interpretation Corrector.

Anyway, Pope Francis is doing exactly what I was discussing earlier. Being in the world, but not of it. He knows how to garner attention and use the opportunity to evangelize. Being a Christian is challening, and hell, it ain't easy. But #BeCourageous and #BeResolute.

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